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'Mrs. Moorfield Storey' rose References
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 682.  
Storey, Mrs. Moorefield (HT) Waban R. Conservat. 1915; MacArthur X Jos. Hill; mother-of-pearl-pink, center darker, tips deep pink, large, double, thick foliage, growth 6/10. Sangerhausen
Book  (1924)  Page(s) 195.  
1915 Registrations. 'Mrs. Moorfield Storey'. HT. A. N. Pierson Inc., Cromwell, Conn.
Book  (1917)  Page(s) 117.  
Mrs. Moorefield Storey. Weak growth; winterkills.
Magazine  (2 May 1914)  Page(s) 1099.  Includes photo(s).
A Notable New Pink Rose    Mrs Moorfield Storey    At the Midwinter flower show of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society, held at the Horticultural Hall, Boston, on Saturday and Sunday, Jan. 31 and Feb. 1, the finest thing on exhibition was a new Rose from the Waban Rose Conservatories, Natick, which was staged by the honored rosarian, Alexander Montgomery. For size of bloom, length and stoutness of stem, large, long, deep green, glossy fohage, in our opinion, it far supersedes any of the former Roses sent out or raised at this famous establishment. This new Rose, Mrs. Moorfield Storey, we now illustrate. There was a large handsome vase of about five dozen blooms. Every flower was almost perfect, and stood as erect, on 4ft. stems, as if they were on wire. The flowers are large and very full; the petals on the outside are a deep pink color, while on the inside the same shade of color is very much intensified, making a most pleasing and attractive Rose. When a variety like this can be shown in such fine condition in January when the stock is limited, this in itself speaks highly of this newcomer as a superior Winter-flowering variety. It was awarded a first class certificate, this being the first time that this new Rose was exhibited.     
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