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'Antonine d'Ormois' rose References
Newsletter  (Aug 2016)  Page(s) 26. Vol 41, no. 3.  
Anne Cullinane: ....the Duvachelle's Bay Cemetery basks in the sun at the top of the hill overlooking the Bay, at the corner where O'Kains Bay road leaves the main Akaroa-Christchurch highway. Growing in the path which borders the oldest row of graves, is a low growing French Gallica rose Antonia d'Ormois.....
Magazine  (2016)  Page(s) Table S2.  
antoine d ormois and antoine d ormois1, Origin of the sample: Loubert Rose Garden, Genetic group 2, Percentage of assignation: 53.9 and 71.9, 1835, HGal, Vibert, Origin: France Paris, Ploidy: 4, measured
Book  (2000)  Page(s) 86-87.  Includes photo(s).
‘Antonine d’Ormois’/’Antonia d’Ormois’ = Gallique. De haute stature (jusqu’à 1m80), mais jamais dégingandé… peu épineux… feuillage abondant, d’un vert clair s’assombrissant peu à peu… fleur d’environ 6cm de diamètre, coussinet rond ou nid de pétales en coquillage, d’un rose nacré doux pâlissant au soleil brûlant. La floraison, un peu timide, ne débute guère avant juillet, et le parfum est un enchantement… Vibert, France, 1853.
Book  (Apr 1999)  Page(s) 33.  
Antonine d'Ormois ('Antonia d'Ormois') Gallica. Vibert 1835. The author cites information from different sources... Flesh...
Book  (Mar 1999)  Page(s) 32-33.  Includes photo(s).
Antonia d'Ormois ('Antoine d'Ormois') l'Haÿ (France) before 1848. Description... flowers: blush pink blossoms have deeper pink centers... Later blooming than most French Roses, this hybrid has some Centifolia traits...
Book  (Nov 1998)  Page(s) 19.  
Antonia D'Ormois Gallica. Description. The last member of the family to bloom.
Book  (Jul 1998)  Page(s) 194.  
Antonine d'Ormois Vibert, 1835.
Habit: attains 1.50m, but with difficulty; Habit is less upright than the gallica-type; branches quite lanky; few slightly hooked prickles; very few bristles. Foliage: few, dark; small pointed leaflets, almost lanceolated; Bloom: not very floriferous, in pairs or by 3; medium size or small; double, quartered; small greenish yellow buton-eye, exterior petals reflexed; long sepals. Colour: flesh-pink, pinkish white outer petals. Fragrance: very weak.
Sources: Berger, catal. 1842; Laffay, catal. 1841; p.11; Van Houtte, catal. 1842. and following; Verdier, catal. 1844, no. 212; Vibert, catal. 1836, no. 850....

Vibert, who obtained it in 1835, stated "carnée" [flesh] in his 1836 catalogue and classed it as "Provence". Laffay in 1841 describes it as "pale flesh-pink, full, medium size, globular, beautiful". Certainly it is beautiful, but with such a pale pink, one has to question ist classification among Gallicas.
The name "Antonia d'Ormois" under which it is listed in contemporary bibliography and commercialized is erroneous.
Book  (1997)  Page(s) 139.  
From the Roseraie de l'Hay collection (France) Pre-1848. Description and vital statistics. Flowering slightly later than some other Gallicas.
Book  (Nov 1994)  Page(s) 29.  
Description... flowers late, their warm colour and shape resemble 'Maiden's Blush'...
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 23.  
Antonia d'Ormois Gallica, blush, Prior to 1848. Description.
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