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From 'House & Garden' magazine, July 1942, page 26.
Uploaded 26 FEB |
In my garden. Arcello, North Italy, May 2023
Uploaded 24 FEB 24 |
Général Jacqueminot is second from left in this 1831 lithograph by J.J. Grandville (source: Library of Congress). The LOC text on this is as follows:
Te deum à l'autel de la paix (suite) / Lith. de Delaporte.
Print shows a procession with "Aspergeur" (Le maréchal Mouton), "Diacre" (Jean-Francois Jacqueminot), "Un president a cheval sur le reglement" (Louis-Gaspard-Amédée Girod de l'Ain) sitting in a chair being carried by four porters, "1er porteur" (Clément-François-Victor-Gabriel Prunelle), "2e porteur" (Benjamin-François Levrault), "Un Citoyen" (Louis Philippe, King of the French) his face obscured by a large book, "Enfans de Chœur" (Vatout, Kératry, Bérenger, Jars, Mahul, Ganneron), and "Sous-Diacre."
Uploaded 22 OCT |
Arboretum Volčji Potok, Slovenia
Uploaded 5 JAN 24 |
From Chase Bros. catalog 1902, p. 3.
Uploaded 7 SEP |
From "L'Illustration horticole", June 15, 1872, p. 186: pruning of Général Jacqueminot
Courtesy of Biodiversity Heritage Library
Uploaded 17 OCT 23 |
In my garden. Arcello, North Italy, May 2023
Uploaded 24 FEB 24 |
photo from the 1913 catalog, Biltmore Nursery Roses, Asheville, North Carolina; scan courtesy of Biodiversity Heritage Library
Uploaded 4 JAN 22 |
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