'L'Arlesiana' rose References
Book (Dec 1998) Page(s) 252. Includes photo(s). Fred Edmunds ('L'Arlésienne') Hybrid Tea. Meilland (France) 1943. 'Duquesa de Peñaranda' x ' named] after a prominent nurseryman in the USA... a particularly vivid coppery orange color, a shade that was unique when introduced in 1943...
Book (Sep 1993) Page(s) 182. Includes photo(s). Fred Edmunds Large-flowered. Meilland 1943. Description. Named for the Oregon nurseryman Fred Edmunds. 'L'Arlesienne' is the name of a Bizet opera... coppery orange. Parentage: 'Duquesa de Peneranda' x 'Marie Claire'
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 192. Fred Edmunds Hybrid Tea, coppery orange, 1943, ('L'Arlésienne'); 'Duquesa de Peñaranda' x 'Marie-Clair'; Meilland, F. Description.
Book (1988) Page(s) 132-133. Includes photo(s). Fred Edmunds Description.
Book (Jun 1986) Page(s) 417. Fred Edmunds Hybrid Tea. Meilland 1943. Description... A climbing form is available... Copper-orange... Cupped bloom opens to showy golden stamens... Disease resistant and winter hardy...
Website/Catalog (1960) Page(s) 15. L'ARLESIENNE (Meilland 1941). Fournaise orange auréolé de vermillon. FL [feuillage luisant].
[no longer listed in 1975]
Book (1958) Page(s) 122. Fred Edmunds (L'Arlésienne in Europe). HT. (F. Meilland; int. C-P, '43.) Duquesa de Peñaranda X Marie-Claire. Bud long pointed; fl. large (5-5½ in.), dbl. (20-30 petals), cupped, very fragrant (spicy), coppery orange. Fol. leathery, glossy. Bushy, open habit. (28) Pl. Pat. 731. Portland Gold Medal, 42; AARS, '44.
Book (1949) p40. Dr. A. S. Thomas. Let Us Take Stock - Old and New Fred Edmunds. (3 plants, 1 year). Purely a decorative type but worthy to rank with the best of roses. Neither orange, nor copper, nor tan it is quite a new colour. The loose blooms are made up of large leathery petals perfectly evenly coloured. Glossy foliage. Good grower. Free Bloomer.
p85. Frank Mason. The Newer Roses in New Zealand. Fred Edmunds Quite a break in colour. After the style of Emma Wright, but more orange.
Website/Catalog (1949) Page(s) 6. Novelty Roses 1949. Fred Edmunds (HT. Meilland 1943.) Rich orange buds opening to semi-double fragrant blooms of apricot orange. It received a regional Pacific Coast A.A.R.S. in 1944. The growth is medium, with many large thorns and glossy foliage. The colour is really brilliant. 10/6 each
Magazine (Jan 1947) Page(s) 1. trimester, p. 23. Liste des plus belles variétés mises au commerce depuis 1940 ... L'Arlésienne (Meilland 41)