'A.W. Jessep' rose References
Book (2000) Page(s) 1. 'A. W. Jessep', HT, dp, 1952 description
Book (1999) Page(s) 18. A. W. Jessop[sic] – 1952. Large flowers bush rose, rich cerise pink (released posthumously). No longer available.
Newsletter (1995) Page(s) 19. Vol 4, No. 3. A. W. Jessep. HT. 1951. Alister Clark.
Book (1990) Page(s) 119. A. W. Jessep (listed by T. G. Stewart) Cerise. 1952
Magazine (1979) Page(s) 4. Vol 1, No. 3. Editor. Alister Clark Roses. A. W. Jessep – 1952, large double, fragrant, rich cerise pink. Vigorous, bushy.
Book (1956) Page(s) 70. Some Rose Types. By A. W. Jessep, M.Agr.Sc., B.Sc., Dip. Ed., Director of Melbourne Botanic Gardens and Victorian Government Botanist.......
Website/Catalog (1954) Page(s) 95. A. W. Jessup [sic] (H.T.) Richly fragrant double cerise pink blooms. Good healthy foliage and an excellent bedding variety.
Website/Catalog (1953) Page(s) 8. Novelty Roses 1952. A. W. Jessep (HT. Alister Clark 1952) Richly fragrant double cerise pink blooms. Good foliage. Excellent bedding variety. 8/6 each.
Article (newspaper) (4 Apr 1952) Page(s) 5. Two New Roses Available. The National Rose Society of Victoria advises that two new roses raised by the late Mr. Alister Clark will be available from rose nurserymen this season. One of these is A. W. Jessep, which is described as an excellent bedding variety, with cerise-pink blooms, which are sweetly scented. The other, Mary Bostock, has shell-pink blooms shaded with white, with a strong tea scent. It is described as a strong grower, with mildew-proof foliage and erect blooms on good-length stems. Both varieties were given to the society by the late Mr. Alister Clark.
Book (1952) p88 Editor. New Australian Roses. A. W. Jessep. H.T. Flowers are of 36 to 40 petals, of a rich cerise pink. They are very sweetly scented, the foliage is good and the variety promises to be excellent for bedding.
p127 Dr. A. S. Thomas. New Rose Registrations. Reg No. 12. A. W. Jessep, H.T. Registered by National Rose Society of Victoria. Alister Clark. October 5, 1951.