'Annie Burgess' rose References
Book (1936) Page(s) 116. Burgess, Annie (HT) Burgess 1926; Lyon Rose x Druschki; cream-pink, shaded apricot-orange, medium size, single, cluster-flowered, fragrance 5/10, floriferous, free-blooming, growth 7/10, climbing, 3 m.
Book (Dec 1928) Page(s) 232. Annie Burgess Climbing Hybrid Tea. S.W. Burgess, 1926. Parentage: 'Lyon Rose' c 'Frau Karl Druschki'. Description... pale pink, borne in clusters...
Website/Catalog (1927) Page(s) 27. New Roses 1927. Annie Burgess (Clb. HT. Burgess). A new single flowering climber hearing pale pink flowers in corymbs. It is described as producing canes 12 feet long, and is remarkably early flowering, but has not bloomed here yet. It is a cross between 'Frau Karl Druschki' and 'Lyon', and will be regarded with suspicion till it definitely proves free from the dying back fault of 'Lyon'. 4/– each.