'Twenty First Century' rose Reviews & Comments
I planted my 21st Century HT in a container two years ago--2009 for the first year and it did fine. Spring of 2010 it was planted in a good spot in one of the rosebeds and it pretty much sat and didn't do much of anything as expected. That first year it should be growing underground builiding its' root structure to support its' future canes, stems, leaves, and flowers. It appears to have overwintered well and has several good healthy canes to start Spring 2011 with so we will just wait and see how it progresses. I am really in search of another very good strong growing yellow HT as there just don't seem to be that many out there. You have to be patient with new roses: "The first year they sleep," "The second year they creep," "The third year they leap!" So don't get too frustrated until after that third year is completely over. Some roses, like Hopi Girl, are much better Fall roses than any other time of year. As I recall though, my Hopi Girl rose leapt the Fall of its' second year, a full 12 months ahead of schedule. It is a fine yellow HT and I hope that 21st Century will follow in her footsteps.
I have had this for several yrs. The blooms are a rich, strong yellow, but have very little fragrance.
Thanks for sharing your experience.
Rumored available at Hortico 4/06
I tried to order this from Hortico a few years ago. They have it listed, but with no photo. It turns out that what they are calling 21st Century, is a completely different plant! It is yellow and pink stripes on short stems, though they have it classified as a hybrid tea. Their description did mention something about pink, but I thought it might just be a touch on the edges, but it's a totally different rose.