'Anne Elizabeth' rose References
Book (21 Feb 2010) 'Anne Elizabeth' HT, lp, Thomas, Dr. A.S. Introductions: 1979
Book (19 Apr 2000) Page(s) 16. (Anne Elizabeth) ,HT, lp, Thomas, Dr. A. S., 1979 (Weatherly, L.)
Newsletter (1994) Page(s) 9 Vol 5, No. 3. Anne Elizabeth. HT. 1979. A. S. Thomas.
Book (1987) Page(s) 34. Includes photo(s). p34. Anne Elizabeth. (Thomas. D (suitable for decorative purposes) ; d (double – 25 to 40 petals approximately) Strongly Fragrant. Bushy habit. Medium height, usually 1.5 to 2.0m tall.
p96. Photo.
Book (1983) Page(s) 51. Dr. A. S. Thomas. From Then to Now. I have bred a very attractive rose ‘Anne Elizabeth’ from a pale pink sport of this [Eden Rose, HT Meilland, 1950] rose crossed with ‘Champagne’.
Book (1981) Page(s) 61. New Rose Registrations. Dr. A. S. Thomas, Registrar of Rose Names in Australia. ‘Anne Elizabeth’. H.T. [raised by] A. S. Thomas. 1979.