'Impératrice Eugénie' rose References
Website/Catalog (27 Jul 2011) Rosa ‘Empress Eugenie’ Bourbon rose. Rosy blush in colour with a purple edge to the petals, cupped, large and full in colour. Of vigorous growth it is a good, hardy rose. [Paul ]. ... History at Camden Park Arrived from Veitch’s Nursery, Chelsea on Dec, 31st, 1859 on board the ‘Hollinside’ but dead on arrival. For more detail see Rosa ‘Ducher’.
Book (Jun 1992) Page(s) 326. Impératrice Eugénie Hybrid Bourbon. Béluze 1855
Book (1936) Page(s) 127. Empress Eugenie Perpetual flowering. Medium Rose of exquisite form. Habit dwarf - tender. The prettiest of this group. This had not yet flowered with me, but is well spoken of by several growers. Its name suggests the period of introduction.
Book (1936) Page(s) 245. Eugénie, Impératrice (hybrid bourbon) Béluze 1855; lilac-pink, edges and reverse silvery, medium to large, flat cup form, solitary or up to 3, fragrance 6/10, floriferous, repeats, glossy light green foliage, growth 7/10. = Marg. Lartay; Ile Bourbon.
Magazine (Sep 1924) Page(s) 107. Les principales variétés remontantes cultivées dans les roseraies de la région parisienne mentionnées ci-dessus sont les suivantes :... Rosiers du Bengale. — Impératrice Eugénie, rose, argenté tendre ; Madame Laurette Messimy, beau rose de Chine ; Sanglant, rouge variable ; Madame Eugène Kesal, capucine sur fond orange, fleur bicolore.
Website/Catalog (1913) Page(s) 82. Bourbon Roses. Imperatrice Eugenie A deep blush Rose of sweet fragrance that has been satisfactorily known to Rose-lovers for many years. It is one of the most prolific varieties in blooming, producing blossoms of uniform size and unvarying hue. The bush is a most vigorous and thrifty grower, and keeps up a fine succession of bloom all summer. This trait makes it particularly valuable either for growing in solid beds, or interspersed among other Roses, in order to relieve the otherwise bare aspect of the Rose-border late in the season.
Website/Catalog (1907) Page(s) 20. Monthly roses. Impératrice Eugénie (Beluze 1855) tender silvery pink, large, double, vigorous.
Book (1906) Page(s) 75. 4.816. Impératrice Eugénie, Hybride d'Ile-Bourbon, Béluze 1855 rose argenté
Book (1899) Page(s) 81. Impératrice Eugénie, hybride de bourbon, Béluze, 1855, rose pourpre
Article (magazine) (1 Feb 1898) Page(s) 21. [From a talk by Léon Chénault at the Conference of Rosarians at Orléans, published in "Journal des Roses"] Impératrice Eugénie (Beluze, 1855), d'un beau rose argenté, souvent classé dans les Iles-Bourbon, se retrouve sous le nom de Marguerite Lartay.