'JACblem' rose Reviews & Comments
The polyantha Sunshine, listed as the parent for this rose and a few other roses, is incorrect. According to the patent, Sunshine is a hybrid tea. Only 3 images of the patent can be seen with a plugin of some sort. The patent for PP3791 says that it was bred by William A. Warriner for Jackson and Perkins in 1974. It is a hybrid of Golden Sun (unpatented) x South Seas (PP2184). It was bred for the greenhouse and garden alike, it states. it is described as buttercup yellow that opens up into being lemon yellow. Growth is listed as vigorous upright and branching. It states that the foliage was semi-glossy, and that has a decent resistance to powdery mildew. Also, it states little to no fragrance.
From the lineage and overall description, it sounds like a taller HT like a lot that descend from both parents.
#1 of 2 posted
5 FEB 09 by
Hi. Thanks for the correction. The hybrid tea SUNSHINE, Plant Patent 3791, isn't found in Modern Roses. We'll have to add it to HMF.
That would be awesome. It seems to be an important parent of some modern roses, and it will lighten the confusion between the bajillion roses named Sunshine. I can see why the name was overused, though, lol. :)