'Pink Ribbon' rose References
Website/Catalog (2018) Includes photo(s). Shropshire Lass One of our tallest English climbers. Its large, single, blush white flowers fade gradually to white, each with a prominent bunch of stamens. They have a delicious myrrh fragrance. Even though it does not repeat, it produces a magnificent display in early summer and goes on to bear many hips in autumn. It also makes a wonderful support for clematis later in the season. Davidᅠ Austin, 1968.
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 549. Shrub, light pink, 1968, 'Mme. Butterfly' x 'Mme. Legras de St. Germain'; Austin, D. Flowers blush-pink, single (5 petals), large (5 in.); fragrant; summer bloom.
Book (1993) Page(s) 7. One of the earlier varieties in David Austin's breeding program … more in the nature of a stepping stone towards the true English Roses.
Book (1993) Page(s) 127. 'Mme. Butterfly' x 'Mme. Legras St. Germain', 1968. Description. Summer-flowering only. Among the English Roses it is unique in having an Alba rose as a parent … the same pointed, R. canina-like foliage [of the Albas]. Flowers: large, almost single, blush-pink that soon fades to white, golden stamens … can be grown as a climber.
Book (1993) Page(s) 65. Includes photo(s).
Book (1993) Page(s) 69. Includes photo(s).
Book (1993) Page(s) 127. Includes photo(s).
Book (1993) Page(s) 189. Includes photo(s).
Book (1993) Page(s) 238. Includes photo(s). Shropshire Lass English Rose. Austin (Britain) 1968. ('Mme. Butterfly' x 'Mme. Legras de St. Germain') Description.
Book (1972) Page(s) 155.. David Austin told of his hybridizing plans in a recent issue of the Royal Horticultural Society's (England) monthly publication: "The first stage in the development of these roses has been such cultivars as .... and Shropshire Lass , a blush pink, single bloom which is a cross between the Hybrid Tea 'Madame Butterfly' and the Alba 'Mme. Legras de St. Germain'. These form strong shrubs, superior we think in many ways to most old roses but still not yet perpetual-flowering. We hope to go on breeding such roses as we think there will always be a place for a really good larger once-flowering whrub rose for the large garden.