'Grand Huit' rose References
Magazine (2020) Page(s) 51. Includes photo(s). Doug Grant, 10 Years Top Performers 2010-2019. Lasting Love Adabreton Adam, France. Type hybrid tea. Height medium. Garden 7. Exhibition 5.8. Health very good. Fragrance heavy. Available from GIL, MAT, TAS.
Website/Catalog (16 Oct 2015) Registered Name: 'Adharman' Synonyms: 'Commandant Cousteau', 'Grand Huit', 'Grande Classe', 'Le Grand Huit' ARS Approved Exhibition Name: Lasting Love Photo: Gene Sasse ©2007 used courtesy of Weeks Roses HT, dr, 2001, Adam, Michel; flowers velvety red, 10 cm., 28 petals, high-centered , borne singly and several together , moderate fragrance; recurrent; foliage brown-red when young, becoming dark green, glossy ; growth upright, medium (90 cm.); hips red, globular; PPAF. [Harmonie × Meitulimon]. Introductions: Le Grand Huit, NIRP International, 1991. Commandant Cousteau, 1993. Awards: Fragrance Award, Hamilton Rose Trials, New Zealand, 2006
Website/Catalog (16 Oct 2015) Lasting Love (Adabreton) HT. Deep red blooms, very healthy with a good fragrance. Glossy foliage and compact growth. NZPVR
Book (19 Apr 2000) Page(s) 3. ADharman, HT, dr, 1993; (Commandant Cousteau); Adam, M.
Article (newsletter) (Mar 1999) Page(s) 2. Commandant Cousteau Probably one of Adam's best-known hybrid teas, it's been in commerce in France since 1991... it was named for the famous oceanographer...
Website/Catalog (1996) Page(s) 71. Includes photo(s). Commandant Cousteau
Website/Catalog (1995) Page(s) 73. Includes photo(s). Commandant Cousteau® Adharman QUEL PARFUM ! Nouvelle variété de rose réunissant toutes les qualités recherchées pour l'amateur : un parfum puissant et capiteux, une exceptionnelle résistance aux maladies, une couleur rouge foncé velouté et un très joli feuillage vert fonce. Hauteur : 85 cm