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'Gay Vista' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 83-133
most recent 15 FEB 15 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 15 FEB 15 by Eric Timewell
I notice some confusion about 'Gay Vista' in southern Queensland. Often named plants turn out to be 'Spring Song' with scent or 'Gartendirketor Otto Linne' without. They are both rampant growers but they are both double.
Discussion id : 51-774
most recent 21 JAN 11 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 21 JAN 11 by Eric Timewell
Gay Vista, born 1950, was a racehorse before the Sydney public in the early 1950s. An article by Dave Barnes in Your Garden, January 1959 pp19&21 reports interviews with Frank Riethmuller and Dr AS Thomas of the National Rose Society of Victoria, mainly about 'Titian.' It concludes, "Frank has bred another rose, called Gay Vista after the great Sydney racehorse …"
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