'Telstar' rose References
Book (2000) Page(s) 587. Includes photo(s). ‘Telstar’ = Moderne - Buisson à fleurs groupées – Floribunda – tons orangés, remontant. La tentation était grande, en juillet 1962, de baptiser un rosier du nom du premier satellite de télécommunications spatiales.... fleurs semi-doubles aux tons changeants – jaunes, puis saumon, puis rouges... elles s’épanouissent à plat en larges bouquets multicolores à l’impact indéniable. Des étamines ocre rouge ajoutent à leur charme et sont très appréciées des abeilles…
Article (newsletter) (Mar 1999) Page(s) 1. Telstar the author mentions importing this rose in the early 60s from Gandy
Book (1966) Page(s) 114. Dr. A. S. Thomas. New Roses in Victoria. Telstar Flor. (Gandy, 1964) 'Rosemary Gandy' x 'Masquerade'. Orange and yellow becoming red with age. The florets have fifteen petals, are over three inches in diameter, and are in good panicles. Fairly fragrant. Dark green leaves and good growth but addicted to black spot.
Book (1963) Page(s) 162. Trial Ground Awards 1962. Trial Ground Certificate to Telstar (Flori.). Trial Ground No. 11. Reg. No. 766. Raiser and Distributor Gandy's (Roses) Ltd., North Kilworth. 'Rosemary Gandy' x 'Masquerade’.Vigour of growth, 7. Habit of growth, strong and upright with dark green foliage which is bronzy-green when young, 8. Freedom from disease. Blooms large and full (14 petals), 3 1/2 inches across when open, 9. Colour orange and yellow bi-colour, heavily flushed scarlet with age, 9. Freedom of flowering 15. General effect, 8. Fragrance, 5.