'Beatrice McGregor' rose References
Book (31 Mar 2010) 'Beatrice McGregor'. HT, dr, 1938, Clark, A.; flowers large, dbl., intense fragrance [Sensation × seedling] Introductions: NRS Victoria
Book (2010) Page(s) 212. Beatrice McGregor may well have been the wife of William 'Bill' McGregor, a gardener employed at Glenara....
Book (1999) Page(s) 15. Beatrix McGregor – 1938. Large Flowered bush rose, dark red flowers. No longer available
Magazine (1997) Page(s) 28. Vol 19. No. 1. Elizabeth and Andrew Govanstone. Portland Victoria. The Women Behind the Roses. A Glenara gardener’s wife Beatrice McGregor (1938) accompanies Mavis Campbell (1942) in having lived locally.....
Newsletter (1995) Page(s) 19. Vol 4, No. 2. Beatrice McGregor. HT. 1938. Alister Clark. Sensation x sdlg.
Book (1990) Page(s) 119. Beatrice McGregor. Deep red 1938. Thornless.
Magazine (1979) Page(s) 4. Vol 1, No. 3. Beatrix McGregor – 1938. intro, by NRSV, large double, very fragrant dark red. Sensation x un-named seedling. syn. Beatrice McGregor.
Book (1953) Page(s) 33. S. J. Bisdee. Red Roses in Tasmania. The worst red rose in this [browning] respect which I ever grew was Mrs. Fitzhardinge’s climber, Governor Phillip. In the four years I had it, I never had one really red bloom. Beatrice McGregor was almost as bad, which was very sad, for the late Mr. Alister Clark named it for a very charming Tasmanian rosarian.
Article (newspaper) (17 May 1947) Page(s) 11. Here we give a short list of roses which have proved themselves under South Australian conditions and will provide a good selection for the home gardener as bush or standards. Except where stated they are hybrid tea roses: — Beatrice McGregor — Dark red rose fragrant. Thornless.
Article (newspaper) (9 Jun 1945) Page(s) 8. There are several varieties of roses which can be treated in the same way as Lorraine Lee to bloom in the winter. In other words, prune heavily in March instead of July. They are Lorraine Lee, Shot Silk, Beatrice McGregor, Mrs. Herbert Stevens, and Imperial Potentate.
[From the Adelaide (South Australia) newspaper 'The Mail']