Book (1936) Page(s) 561. Phaloé (noisette) Vibert 1846; yellowish, shaded dawn, large, double, floriferous, growth 7/10, climbing.
Book (1906) Page(s) 134. 8.698. Phaloé, Noisette, Vibert 1846 jaune
Book (1902) Page(s) 167. Race des Rosiers Noisette sarmenteux Groupe A.—Noisette Sarmenteux 6451. Phaloé...(Vibert 1846)...jaune.
Book (1889) Page(s) 150. Noisette. Phaloë (Vibert 1854). large, double, yellowish with dawn, good bloom, like Ophirie, fragrant. Vigorous.
Website/Catalog (1889) Page(s) 19. Phaloe—Soft creamy white deepening to rosy buff, amber center, very fragrant, large, double, fine.
Website/Catalog (1880) Page(s) 258. Rosiers Noisettes (Remontants) 1195. Phaloé. — Grande, pleine, blanc ombré de rose.
Book (1866) Page(s) 172. Noisette. Phaloë, large, full, yellowish white, shaded tender carmine, floriferous.
Book (1858) Page(s) 258. Noisette-Rose. Phaloë (Vibert 1846). Blumen groß, voll, gelbweiß, mit Carmin überhaucht, sehr reichblühend.
Translation: The Noisette Rose. Phaloë (Vibert 1846), The flowres are large, yellowish white with carmine highlights, very floriferous.
Book (1854) Page(s) 274-275. Translation: Perhaps one or the other lover of ever-blooming roses will thank me if I share the list of those I can recommend from personal acquaintance, regardless of age or novelty. Such are,...3) Noisettes: ...Phaloé...
Website/Catalog (1853) Page(s) 15. Autumnal Roses. Noisette Roses. 14 Phaloé (suitable as a pillar rose)—pale flesh tinted with fawn, a good and distinct variety, forces well