'Abbé Raynaud' rose References
Book (2003) Page(s) 152. 1863. Abbé Raynaud (HR)
Book (1936) Page(s) 599. Raynaud, Abbé (HP) Guillot 1863; blue-red to slaty violet, large, double, growth 4/10.
Magazine (13 May 1911) Page(s) 231. The Parentage of Roses. The following list of the world's Roses and their parentage has been compiled by Mr. Robert Daniel, 38 Russell Road. Fishponds, Bristol, and by his kind permission we are enabled to publish it... Abbé Raynaud... Hybrid Perpetual, Guillot f., 1863, Seedling General Jacqueminot
Book (1902) Page(s) 113. Hybrides Remontants. Groupe C.—Géant des Batailles Arbuste rustique, florifère et très remontant, à rameaux bruns, droits, aiguillons nombreux; feuillage petit, peu ample, très sujet à l'oïdium et aux maladies cryptogamiques, folioles assez rapprochées sur le pétiole commun; fleur en coupe, petite, rouge écarlate ou rouge très foncé; fruit petit, ovoïde, longuement atténué à la base. 3486. Abbé Raynaud...(Guillot f. 1863)...rouge violet ardoisé.
Book (1899) Page(s) 1. Abbé Raynaud, HR, Guillot f., 1863, violet ardoisé
Book (1880) Page(s) Annex, p. 1. hybrid perpetual, Abbé Reynand (Guillot fils, 1864), blue-violet, medium size, double.
Book (1874) Page(s) 109. NOMENCLATURE DES VARIÉTÉS MODERNES. Rosiers hybrides remontants. Abbé Reynauld, fleur grande, pleine, violet foncé ardoisé.
Book (1866) Page(s) 210. Hybrid Perpetual Roses. Abbé Raynaud, clear dark violet, large, full, distinct, and fine; good habit.
Magazine (Oct 1864) Page(s) 212. Roses in 1864. In the section of purple, crimson, and violet colours, there are offered the following: Abbé Raynaud, Amiral La Peyrouse, Andre Leroy d'Angers, Eugene Verdier, H. Laurentius, Joseph Durand, Maréchal Suchet, Senateur Reveil. We select these first, because we think the most interesting accomplishment of the present season, as regards the distribution of new roses, will be found amongst those of the darkest shades of colour. Of these eight we fully anticipate that at least five will become favourites- it is possible all may, for there is not a downright bad rose amongst them. The five on which we fix our choice are the following: Abbé Raynaud, dark violet, with crimson tinge on the edges of the petals, at present thin, but appearing only to require another season's growth to bring out its qualities
Magazine (Feb 1864) Page(s) 62. Roses Nouvelles. M. Guillot fils, chemin de Pins, à la Guillotière, a livré, en novembre dernier, cinq gains de ses semis, appartenant aux hybrides remontants; ce sont: Abbé Raynaud, arbuste très-vigoureux; fleurs grandes ou moyennes, très-pleines, beau violet foncé ardoisé. — 20 fr.
Translation: New Roses. Mr. Guillot, the son, at chemin de Pins in the Guillotière, has, last November, sent out five of his seedlings, belonging to the hybrid perpetual class; these are: Abbé Raynaud, a very vigorous shrub; large or medium-sized blooms, very full, beautiful slaty dark violet. 20 fr.