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'Mrs. O. G. Orpen' rose References
Book  (1966)  Page(s) 25.  
We have no true single Damask Rose in the garden, the nearest approach to a simple form being Mrs O. G. Orpen, a rose that was bred in England at the beginning of this century, and one which we purchased in New Zealand many years ago. The large rosy-pink flat Blooms have five deeply notched and veined petals. As well as These, there are a number of Shell-like petaloids which surround a glorious ring of rich fat yellow Stamens which embellish the centre of the rose. This Damask flowers late in the season, at the same time as ist neighbour, the lovely Celsiana. The blooms of York and lancaster, which grows nearby, are well past their best when These fine shrub roses come into flower. It is rather pleasant to have the season of the Damask Roses Extended in this manner, as it means that we can gather Blooms of one variety or another for up to three months. Miss Rose Kingsley, in her book Roses and Rose Growing, has included an excellent coloured Illustration of Mrs. G. O. Orpen, which gives a good idea of this modern Damask.
Website/Catalog  (1938)  Page(s) 40.  
Mrs. O. G. Orpen (Orpen 97). Single, carnation-pink, large, creeping.
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 531.  
Orpen, Mrs. O. G. (damask) Orpen 1906; glossy carnation pink, center white, golden stamens, lasting, large, single, leathery firm petals, in clusters of 7-20, once-blooming, growth 7/10.
Book  (1934)  Page(s) 321.  
Mrs. O. G. Orpen (D.), 1906.- Pale rosy pink, very vigorous; bush, pillar; prune lightly; single, semi-climber.
Book  (1924)  Page(s) 99.  
Lusher grows Lady Curzon with large pink blooms, an ensnaring and soft carnation pink shows Mrs. O. G. Orpen.
Website/Catalog  (1923)  Page(s) 51.  
Provins. Mrs. O. G. Orpen (Orpen, 1897). Carnation-pink, very large and single.
Website/Catalog  (1921)  Page(s) 31.  
Mrs. O. G. Orpen, rosy-pink; class: Single; habit of growth: very vigorous.
Article (newspaper)  (12 Apr 1919)  
The Suburban Half Acre. Garden Chat. Single and Semi-Single Roses. by ‘Speargrass’.
‘Mrs. O. G. Orden’ (O. G. Orpen, 1906).— A beautiful damask rose of bright pink colour, with golden anthers. One of the most charming single roses in existence. Awarded the gold medal N.R.S.
Magazine  (1915)  Page(s) 48.  
...'Mme. Hardy', the Pomponröschen, the beautiful 'Maiden's Blush', R. conditorum (the true sweet rose of the Orient), the Oil rose from Kazanlik, the Burgunderröschen, the single spinosissimas [Felsenrose] 'Lady Curzon' large blooms, pink and 'Mrs. G. Orpen' light pink, belong to this class and find more and more friends...
Website/Catalog  (1914)  Page(s) 41.  
Single Roses.
In our Nurseries there are no more attractive objects than the Irish single varieties, and they are so marvellously free flowering that it is impossible to say too much in their praise. During the entire growing season they are virtually always in bloom, and their lasting properties are most surprising.
Mrs. O. G. Orpen (Damask)... O.G. Orpen, 1906, very vigorous. Bright rosy pink, with golden anthers, Gold Medal, N.R.S.
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