'Pink Clouds' rose Reviews & Comments
I read somewhere that Moore budded multiple copies of a cv on one cane of 'Pink Clouds'. Once the buds had made some growth, the cane was cut into suitable lengths and each cutting rooted.
They're called, "stentlings".
It's a common form of propagation of roses. There is lots of info online about it.
#2 of 4 posted
23 APR 19 by
Robert, Thanks for the info. I've been reading about "stenting", but it seems to be a bit different from what I recall Moore writing (I don't have the source, so I may be wrong). Stenting, as I've read, involves rooting the stock while the graft union is healing. This is different from the old (19th century) practice of budding, waiting for healing, and then layering or taking cuttings. Vibert budded China roses to new growth on a stool of Rosa reversa, then layered the shoot after the bud had begun to "push". Variations on this theme borrow some of the "strength" of the mature stock, rather than relying on the nutrients available in the cutting. Karl
variations on a theme...yes, as long as it works.
#4 of 4 posted
21 FEB by
My rose breeding mentor Elton Strack followed Ralph Moore's method of budding, healing, and then cuttings. I am concerned about virus and like to stent with first severing the rootstock and then grafting and then rooting so I don't inadvertently get my main rootstock plant infected from one dirty scion.
Initial post
1 JUN 21 by
I had to get rid of my Pink Clouds due to rose rosette disease.
Made an impressive show every spring: very much a "pink cloud"! Rooted very easily.
I completely agree with the comments posted by Paul Barden a few years back. True to its name the rose puts on an eye popping display of pink in Spring. My main interest is in the endless supply of those lovely canes. The cuttings, whether 8 inches or 6 feet long, root with ease. Rosaholic's Southern California Garden discovered by accident that PC cuttings will even root in water. In my way of thinking it is far easier to propagate by budding onto PC rootstock than struggling to root cuttings. You also get a much better plant in most cases. The mother PC plant is completely disease free in our climate. I cannot speak for blackspot as it is not a problem here. While PC is generally recommended for minis and minifloras, larger roses also do well on it. Excessive suckering is not a problem. Burling Leong of Burlington Rose Nursery and protegee of Ralph Moore, continues to advocate for the rose as a rootstock. She indicated recently that plants budded on PC should do well in the colder regions of the US. This is not surprising as PC is a R. multiflora seedling.
Available from - Gwen's Mini Roses gwensminiroses.com