'Maria McGredy' rose References
Booklet (2008) An Information List of all Varieties. p8 1997. Maria McGredy - Macturang. Nicknamed Turangi. For my daughter.
Article (misc) (May 2002) Page(s) 20. [Several of Sam McGredy's roses, among them Maria McGredy, 'Clodagh McGredy', 'Kathryn McGredy' and 'Jillian McGredy'] are not available in the U.S.A. since the demise of DeVor nurseries. They cannot be put on the market because the trademarks are held by the banks.
Book (2002) Page(s) 114. Gerard Williams. Final Analysis 2001-2002 Maria McGredy. (MACturang) McGredy 1997; 'Freude' x 'Remember Me'; 36 reports on 39 bushes; 1.5 metres; 7.5 rating. Salmon pink and apricot blends. A very tall bush with healthy dark green foliage. Some comment on perfume. The blooms can be of excellent exhibition form with lovely soft colours, although some reporters also mention occasional split centres. Most reporters feel the bush is a shy bloomer but a few contradict.
Book (2001) Page(s) 104. Gerard McGredy. Review of the Newer Roses for the 2000-2001 Season. Maria McGredy (MACturang) McGredy 1997; 'Freude' x 'Remember Me'; salmon pink blends; 11 reports on 14 bushes; 1-4 years; 1.8 metres; 7.6 rating. A strong healthy plant, tall with large dark green foliage. North Taranaki says tall and disease free. Marlborough likes the quick repeat and state the flowers have lovely colour and last well. Auckland says plenty of blooms that last well. Northland like the colour and the flower. Kapiti has a strong grower with big blooms of good form. Waikato has strong bushes, healthy and the blooms make good exhibitions.
Magazine (2001) Page(s) 87. Vol 95, part 3. Marilyn Stevens. The British Rose Festival at Hampton Court. Other McGredy roses on display on the C. & K. Jones Stand included Maria McGredy a new salmon-orange hybrid tea with large scented blooms complemented by matt green leaves....
Book (2000) p100. Gerard Williams. Review of the Newer Roses for the 1999-2000 Season. Maria McGredy (MACturang) McGredy 1997; 'Freude' x 'Remember Me'; salmon pink blends; 9 reports on 9 bushes; 1-4 years; 1.8 metres; 7.4 rating. A strong healthy plant, tall with large dark green foliage. Southland says not many basal shoots nor many blooms, but they can be good. North Taranaki like the colour and the good repeat. Marlborough also like the quick repeat and state the flowers have lovely colour and last well. Auckland says whew! shoots off like a climber. Nice blooms and colour. Northland found their bush healthy with good blooms, nice colour and size, but they didn't have a good repeat or many blooms.
p118. Gerard Williams. Top Favourite Roses in New Zealand for the 1999-2000 Season. Roses which almost made the list were.... and the new release Maria McGredy
Book (1999) Page(s) 94. Gerard Williams. Review of the Newer Roses for the 1998-99 Season. Maria McGredy (MACturang); McGredy 1997; salmon pink blends; 5 reporters on 5 plants.; 1-2 years; 1.3 metres; 7.2 rating. A strong healthy plant, medium to tall. Southland says good blooms at first flush, although not many. One new basal 2m high. Golden Bay says large vase shaped bush, vigorous and healthy. Blooms fade badly and can be split. Looks good in the garden. Marlborough says it is healthy but has confused centres. North Otago says their bush does not have so many split centres this year. The bush is healthy has a fast repeat and the colour is very nice. Taranaki say their bush is slow to get going but the blooms have nice H.T. shape and good colour.
Article (magazine) (19 Nov 1998) Page(s) 145. MACturang Hybrid Tea, pink blend, 1998; (Maria McGredy); 'Freude' x 'Remember Me'; McGredy, Sam. Description.
Book (1998) Includes photo(s). p48. Maria McGredy HT. McGredy 1997. Transparency courtesy Egmont Roses.
p95. Nola Simpson. Review of Newer Roses for 1997-1998 Season. Maria McGredy (MACturang); McGredy 1997; salmon pink blend; 6 reports on 6 plants; 1 year; 1.2 metres; 7.2 rating. First reports on this new HT from the house of McGredy. Most reports indicate they are reserving judgement at this stage as they have not formed a true opinion yet. Southland says it is growing tallish, possible exhibition although centres often confused, healthy. North Harbour has found it slow to get going, colour and shape good, very healthy. North Otago says centres split, colour good. Marlborough unsure at this stage, few flowers and rather cabbagey. Waikato has found it shy of flowers, but healthy. We will await next years reports for a better idea.
p129. Egmont Roses advertisement. Photo Maria McGredy
Book (1997) Page(s) 128. Egmont Roses advertisement. New Introductions for 1998. Maria McGredy (Macturang) Hybrid Tea. A very strong, healthy plant carries high large flowers of orange yellow with a creamy yellow reverse,