'Rainbow Niagara' rose References
Website/Catalog (25 Sep 2018) Includes photo(s). Tropical Sunset MACtaung......
Website/Catalog (10 Jul 2014) Registered Name: 'Mactaurang' Synonyms: 'Marvelle', 'Rainbow Niagara' ARS Approved Exhibition Name: Tropical Sunset™ Photo: courtesy of Ashdown Roses HT, yb, 1998, McGredy, Sam IV; bud big, pointed, yellow with orange-red; flowers yellow, striped pink and orange, aging lighter, 4-4½ in., dbl., cupped, borne mostly singly, slight, spice fragrance; recurrent; foliage large, light green, matte; prickles moderate; bushy, tall (4 ft.) growth; PP11484. [Louise Gardner × (Auckland Metro × (Stars 'n' Stripes × unknown))] Roses in Review: Garden Rating: 7.7 Exhibition Rating: Introductions: McGredy, 1995. Awards: Trial Ground Certificate, Durbanville, 2006
Booklet (2008) An Information List of all Varieties. p8 1995. Marvelle - Mactaurang. Nicknamed Tauranga
Book (2007) Page(s) 542. Tropical Sunset HT. yb, 1998. McGredy, Sam IV; bud big, pointed, yellow with orange-red; flowers yellow, striped pink and orange, aging lighter, 4 - 4 1/2 in. dbl, cupped, borne mostly singly, slight spice fragrance; recurrent; foliage large, light green, matte; prickles moderate; bushy, tall (4ft) growth; PP11484; ['Louise Gardner' x ('Auckland Metro' x 'Stars 'n' Stripes' seedling)] int. by McGredy, 1995; Trial Ground Certificate, Durbanville, 2006.
Book (2005) Page(s) 200. Rainbow Niagara HT. orange blend (striped). 2003. AEN. B3w J. W. Bakker and Sons, Ontario; H7 Hole's Greenhouses, Canada ; R2 Regan Nursery, Fremont; S6w Sheridan Nurseries, Canada - wholesale.
Book (Aug 2002) Page(s) 86. Tropical Sunset Interim rating 7.7
Article (misc) (Jul 2002) Page(s) 7. Tropical Sunset Hybrid Tea [yb]
Book (2002) p100. Swanes New Rose Introductions for 2002. 'Tropical Sunset'. MACtaurang. Hybrid Tea. Colour: Orange and yellow stripes; height tall-150cm. Foliage semi-gloss, green. Fragrance light and sweet. Usage: Customers will be enthralled by its novel and unqiue blooms that are a fanciful striking yellow striped with orange that is bright in the new flower, then softens to a delightful pink shade at finish.
p158. Treloar New Releases. 'Tropical Sunset', The striking yellow blooms are striped with orange.
Book (2002) p144. 'Marvelle'. see 'Tropical Sunset'. MR11+. B5c Johnny Becnel Show Roses [custom propagation only]; H9 Hortico; BB4 Roseraries Barth, France; FF2 Pepiniere des Farguettes, France; GG5 K. S. Gopalaswamiengar Son, Bangalore; HH7 Richard Huber, Switzerland; KK3 W. Kordes Sohne, Germany; NN3 NIRP, France.
p225. 'Tropical Sunset' (MACtaurang'. 'Marvelle'). HT. yellow blend (*orange blend - striped). McGredy 1998. MR11 +. C3. Carroll Gardens; H10 Howerton Rose Nursery'; J1 Jackson & Perkins Co.; J2w Jackson & Perkins wholesale; O7w Otto & Sons wholesale; R2 Regan Nursery; RE12 N. W. Roses; S12 Staneks; T3 Teas Nursery'. Standard - J2w, R2.
Magazine (Oct 1999) Page(s) 31. 'MACtaurang' (Marvelle; HT; yb; 1998; Published on page 75, IRAR Supplement 4. Additional synonym received - Tropical Sunset. ARS Exhibition name changed to Tropical Sunset.