'Général Jacqueminot' rose References
Website/Catalog (27 Jul 2011) Includes photo(s). Rosa ‘Général Jacqueminot’ A Hybrid China rose. The flowers of ‘Général Jacqueminot’ are large and full, of a compact form and shaded lake in colour. Rivers describes it as a fine, large, vigorous growing rose, well adapted for a pillar rose. [Rivers (1854, 1857, 1863), Paul (1848, 1863, 1888, 1903), Amat].
Horticultural & Botanical History Raised by Laffay in 1846. I have found no image of the Hybrid China rose called ‘Général Jacqueminot’. The better known Hybrid Perpetual rose of this name was bred by Roussel in 1852 and was regarded by William Paul as very important in the development of Hybrid Perpetuals as it readily sets seed. The flowers are brilliant red, very velvety, large and very double and it is this rose that is illustrated here. However ‘Général Jacqueminot’ is placed among the Hybrid China roses in Macarthur’s 1861 list and is more likely to be Laffay’s rose than the Hybrid Perpetual of the same name.
History at Camden Park Included in a handwritten list of roses dated 1861, probably intended for a new edition of the catalogue that was never printed. [MP A2943].
Book (Jun 1992) Page(s) 131. Général Jacqueminot Hybrid China. Laffay 1846... crimson
Book (1940) Page(s) 37. Ms. Walter Brashear Price, Missisippi. Southern Old-Fashioned Roses. 'General Jacqueminot' (1852) This Hybrid Perpetual, of the China type, is an old favorite with its vivid crimson blooms, smooth as velvet, and of delicious fragrance. Growth here is free and vigorous.
Book (1936) Page(s) 366. Jacqueminot, Général (hybrid china) Laffay 1846; velvety purple-crimson, large, 3/4-full, globular, greenish brown prickles, growth 8/10. = Tr. de Beauté.
Book (1926) Page(s) 57. The Chinese Monthly roses soon became known as the Bengals, and the Crimson Chinese roses, being hybridized with the Damasks and Centifolias of that day, gave rise to the Hybrid Chinas, which are to-day practically indistinguishable from the Hybrid Perpetuals. In fact, General Jacgueminot .is sometimes classed as a Hybrid China, although that may be confusion resulting from the fact that there was a Chinese rose of that name extant many years ago.
Book (1910) Page(s) 251. General Jacqueminot [Paul classifies this rose as a Hybrid Chinese, which he defines as a rose that has a Gallica and a China parent. For more information, see the Glossary entry for Hybrid China.] Flowers deep purple, shaded with brilliant crimson, large and full; form compact; habit erect; growth vigorour. Introduced in 1846.
Book (1899) Page(s) 70. Général Jacqueminot, Hybride de Bengale, 1846, rouge vif
Magazine (1 Nov 1885) Page(s) 163. Souvenir des Roses Anciennes Oubliées ou supprimées par les Horticulteurs et Amateurs de ce beau genre. Rosa gallica hybrida. Rosiers hybrides de bengale. Choix des Plus Belles Variétés. Général Jacqueminot (O. Z.): grande, pleine, pourpre foncé, ombré cramoisi vif.
Book (1885) Page(s) Vol. I, p. 339. Hyb. Chine. Général Jacqueminot. LAFFAY 1846. Arbuste très vigoureux; rameaux droits, vert foncé brillant; épines d'un brun verdâtre, crochues et aplaties à la base; feuilles grandes, dentées régulièrement; fleur grande, presque pleine, globuleuse; coloris rouge vif velouté. Synonyme: Triomphe de Beauté.
Book (1882) Page(s) 13. Général Jacqueminot... Hybride de Chine. Laffay. 1846 Laque ombrée (rouge vif). Fleur grande. Plante moyenne.