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'American Beauty' rose References
Book  (2018)  Page(s) 71.  
Jean Nigon eut l’idée de cultiver des roses odorantes, .... Il décida de chauffer des serres et de vendre ses roses en février. ...Cette mode de la fleur coupée s’étendit jusqu’aux États-Unis avec par exemple R. x hybridaMme Férdinand Jamain’
Website/Catalog  (6 Sep 2014)  
“Imagine the pandemonium that broke loose when the roses were put on display and they saw for the first time the flower that was destined to become the synonym for the rose – The American Beauty. “The buds were the size of goose eggs and the petal count higher than any rose before or after that time,” Irwin continued. “When Myer Heller sent his message to New Castle (that their flower had won grand prize) the town went wild. Strangers grabbed each other on the streets and the local people who once thought the greenhouse men an odd breed greeted them as brothers. Someone grabbed a fiddle and they put on a celebration the town was long to remember.”
After they won the Kansas City show, the Heller Brothers had “unbelievable business.” The American Beauty Rose took its place as a symbol of wealth alongside mink and diamonds. They sold for $36 a dozen at Chicago flower sheds. That was promptly doubled for retail. “Lucky indeed was the girl who could stand at her graduation or wedding with the American beauties in her arms,”
Book  (Feb 2009)  Page(s) 86.  
‘Mme Ferdinand Jamin’/’American Beauty’/’American Bell’: Hybrides Remontants. Obtenteur: Ladéchaux 1875. NB: Ce rosier que l’on trouve parfois orthographié à tort ‘Jamain’, fut dédié à la femme d’un pépiniériste spécialiste des fruitiers de Bourg-la-Reine. Une décade plus tard, en 1886, une firme américaine, Bancroft Henderson & Field, lança aux Etats-Unis, à grands renforts de publicité, une nouvelle rose nommée ‘American Beauty’. Très vite, le plus grand expert allemand, Friedrich Hans, démontra qu’elle n’était autre que ‘Mme Ferdinand Jamin’. Il n’empêche que cette rose, intensément cultivée pour la fleur coupée en Amérique pendant un demi-siècle, devint la rose officielle du District de Columbia.
Book  (2008)  Page(s) 42.  Includes photo(s).
Painting. American Beauty by Paul de Longpre.
Book  (2007)  
'American Beauty' Syn. Mme. Ferdinand Jamin
HP, dark pink, 1875, Lédéchaux. Intro. Bancroft and Field Bros., 1886. Includes description.
Book  (2007)  Page(s) 427.  
Mme. Ferdinand Jamin (Lederchaux, 1875). HP. Rosy claret. "TORA1. See also 'American Beauty' (HP) with which it is poss. confused in commerce.
Book  (2002)  Page(s) 19.  
Rated 7.5
Book  (Dec 2000)  Page(s) 92.  
American Beauty
Hybrid Perpetual
[John] Cook & Son [w/Bancroft and Field] 1886
Book  (2000)  Page(s) 77.  
‘American Beauty’/’Mme Ferdinand Jamin’ = Hybride Remontant – rose intense… Ledéchaux, France, 1875. Ascendance inconnue.
Book  (Dec 1998)  Page(s) 77.  
American Beauty ('Mme. Ferdinand Jamin') Hybrid Perpetual. Lédéchaux (France) 1875. Description... In spite of its name, this is a French rose that became famous in the USA as a greenhouse variety that caused a revolution in the cut-flowers industry...
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