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'Westminster' rose References
Book  (Apr 2001)  Page(s) 95.  
Westminster Hybrid Tea. Le Grice 1960
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 634.  
Westminster Hybrid Tea, red, gold reverse, 1960, 'Gay Crusader' x 'Peace'; Robinson, H. Description.
Book  (1978)  Page(s) 106.  
When 'Piccadilly' came before the  National Rose  Society's judges, it was in competition with another rose named after a place in London, namely 'Westminster'. The two as  shown were similar in colour, and the Gold Medal went  to Herbert Robinson's 'Westminster'; we  may say the judges met their Waterloo on  that occasion, and their mistake reinforced the decision to transfer all the judging of new roses to the Trial  Ground two years later.
Website/Catalog  (1970)  Page(s) 5.  Includes photo(s).
WESTMINSTER (Robinson). ...... L'avers des pétales est cramoisi écarlate, tandis que le revers est jaune doré.

​​​​​​​[no longer listed in 1971]
Website/Catalog  (1968)  Includes photo(s).
Westminster La pièce 5,50 - Les dix 53
Website/Catalog  (1967)  Page(s) 12.  
WESTMINSTER (Robinson 1960). .....Grosse fleur bicolore groseille écarlate, revers jaune doré. FL [feuillage luisant]. O[dorante].  

[no longer listed in 1975]
Website/Catalog  (1964)  Page(s) 2.  
Novelty Roses 1964. Westminster HT. Two-toned, double blooms on strong stems with strong perfume. Contrasting colour of carmine pink to red with yellow on reverse of each petal. 10/6 each.
Book  (1963)  
p19.  Dr. A. S. Thomas.  New Roses in Victoria 
Westminster HT. (Robinson, 1960) Large, pointed, double blooms. The inside of each petal is orange-red, the outside is yellow. Borne singly on strong plants. This bicoloured variety is more vigorous than 'Tzigane', more colourful than 'Piccadilly', and more shapely than 'Kleopatra'. An excellent garden rose and older plants may give show blooms.

p26.  Roy and Heather Rumsey, NSW.  New Roses. 
Westminster HT. (H. Robinson) Large full blooms of thirty petals, loosely formed. Deep cherry-red shading to bright yellow at the base of the petals, and a paler reverse. Tall growth with large deep green foliage. Unfortunately very susceptible to black spot. ('Gay Crusader' x 'Mme. A. Meilland')
Book  (1962)  Includes photo(s).

p16.  Photo Westminster

p157.  Trial Ground Awards 1961
The Clay Challenge  Vase for the New Seedling Best Scented Rose of the year raised by a British Hybridist and Gold Medal to Westminster  (HT). Trial Ground  No. 1485. Reg. No.  534. Raiser and Distributor: H. Robinson, Hinckley, Leicester. 'Gay Crusader' x 'Peace'. Growth very vigorous and tall, large deep green foliage 17. Freedom from disease 12.  Full, large blooms  (35 petals), pointed but rather loose formation, carmine shading to pale sulphur yellow at base, paler reverse striped and splashed with yellow 15. Freedom of flowering 15. General effect 5. Fragrance 8. 

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