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'Madame Charles Frederick Worth' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 133-734
most recent 14 JUL 22 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 14 JUL 22 by Seaside Rooftop
On the references page here, there is a quoted text by Walter Van Fleet, who says the pollen parent for this rose is Paul Neyron.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 14 JUL 22 by jedmar
Thank you for the heads up! Parentage modified.
Discussion id : 73-207
most recent 25 JUL 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 25 JUL 13 by CybeRose
IAC Bulletin 36: 868-876 (1897)
Hybrid Roses, Gooseberries and Strawberries.
by J. L. Budd


This, with the three following, were selected by Prof. Hansen, at the "Baumschule" of L. Spath, at Rixdorf, near Berlin, Germany, in 1884. They are said to be hybrids of the Russian Rugosa, crossed with pollen of Gen. Jacquiminot.

Its leaves are thick, leathery and rugose, and in growth it is peculiarly vigorous. It is a profuse bloomer well through the season. Its flowers are large, dark crimson in color, and its thirty-five stamens stand out distinctly like those of a Dahlia. This seems very promising, especially for the north half of Iowa and the cold north generally.
Discussion id : 71-260
most recent 28 APR 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 28 APR 13 by CybeRose
The National Nurseryman 6(11): 129 (Dec 1898)


In the fall of 1896 we imported from Germany a large collection of new fruit and ornamental shrubs and trees gathered together from many parts of the temperate zone says Professor N. E. Hansen, Brookings, S.D. Many of these flowered last year and are blooming again this year. Among the roses we find the Madame Charles Frederic Worth remarkable for its wonderfully free blooming habit. The flowers are in clusters, large, double, very fragrant, color a beautiful rosy crimson, changing to purple crimson as the flowers fade. The plant is a hybrid of the Rosa rugosa and has retained its sturdy habit and strong foliage. Last year this hybrid blossomed from July to the end of the season, and this year it began the middle of June and bids fair to repeat the performance.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 28 APR 13 by jedmar
Thank you. Corrected also the breeder from C.F. Worth to Mme Schwartz.
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