'La Chevette' rose References
Book (Mar 1998) Page(s) 11. Chevette Rose Cruse tells the story of a rose bred by a rose-grower called Chevet who lived during the French Revolution and was condemned to death by the Revolutionary tribunal... his life was spared on the condition that he dig up all his roses and never grow them again...
Article (newspaper) (6 Jun 1952) Rose: La Chevette C'est une rose de petite taille, mais piquante, de couleur vive, d'une odeur prenante, une fleur légère, voluptueuse et fraiche, de ces roses que les femmes portent volontiers piquées dans la chevelure et qui y prenaient toute leur importance décorative au temps des longs cheveux et des "chignons".
It's a small rose, but prickly, bright color, a fascinating smell, voluptuous and fresh, these roses that women wear willingly stuck into the hair and who took all their importance decorative in the time of long hair and "buns".