'Bettina '78' rose References
Website/Catalog (21 Dec 2014) Registered Name: 'Meibrico' ARS Approved Exhibition Name: Bettina '78 HT, op, 1976, Paolino; flowers coral, 4 in., 30 petals, slight fragrance; foliage dark, leathery; vigorous growth; PP3857. [(Jolie Madame × Sunlight) × (Lady Elgin × Dr. A. J. Verhage)]. Introductions: URS, 1976
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 371. MEIbrico Hybrid Tea, coral, 1986, ('Bettina '78'); ('Jolie Madame' x 'Sunlight') x ('Lady Elgin' x 'Dr. A.J. Verhage'); Paolino. Description.
Book (Apr 1984) Page(s) 146. Bettina Meilland 1978.
Book (1976) Page(s) 198. Plant Patents. No. 3857, MEIbrico HT. Issued to Marie-Louise Meilland and Alain A. Meilland, and Michele Meilland Richardier, assignors to The Conard-Pyle Co., West Grove, PA, Apr 6, 1976.