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The Friends of Vintage Roses, Sebastopol, CA
Uploaded 11 MAR 24 |
love it
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 2 FEB 12 |
Rose photo courtesy of Alma
Uploaded 5 NOV 17 |
5 favorite votes.
Uploaded 2 FEB 12 |
Photo made in Rosarium Petrovic in Vrcin, Serbia
Uploaded 2 AUG 13 |
From Vintage Gardens, planted two years ago, already 5'x4'. "Elegant indeed!"
Uploaded 12 SEP 10 |
Photo made in Rosarium Petrovic in Vrcin, Serbia
Uploaded 2 AUG 13 |
One great rose, get it if you can find it. Suckers wildly, but not a bad thing...Just dig and share with others.
8 favorite votes.
Uploaded 12 SEP 10 |