'Mei qiang wei' rose Photos
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The hips look decidedly less glandular as they mature. Photographed July 10, 2020 at "Rose Woods".
Uploaded 10 JUL 20 |
Charleston, West Virginia, August 8, 2010
Uploaded 21 MAR 19 |
Photographed May 22, 2019 at "Rose Woods" in the Mayacmas Mtns. near Petrified Forest, California. My plant is from the U.C. Berkeley Botanic Garden in 1990. Dr. Yan Ma sent me seeds of this species collected in Shanxi Province, China.
Uploaded 10 JUL 20 |
Charleston, West Virginia, July 14, 2010
Uploaded 21 MAR 19 |
Like a moyesii species in leaf. Photographed May 19, 2019 at "Rose Woods".
Uploaded 10 JUL 20 |
Charleston, West Virginia, July 3, 2010
Uploaded 21 MAR 19 |
Very glandular buds, Rosa bella at "Rose Woods". Photographed May 13, 2019
Uploaded 10 JUL 20 |
May 24, 2014, Charleston, West Virginia
Uploaded 21 MAR 19 |
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