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'Clarice Goodacre' rose References
Book  (Apr 1999)  Page(s) 390-391.  
Clarice Goodacre Hybrid Tea. A. Dickson 1918. The author cites information from different sources... Pure white, yellowish tinted center... Tested by Dr. Huey as a seedling for some time and considered by him a valuable variety...
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 98.  
Clarice Goodacre Hybrid Tea, ivory-white, shaded chrome, 1916, Dickson, A...
Website/Catalog  (1938)  Page(s) 14.  
Bush Roses
Clarice Goodacre (Hybrid Tea) By Dicksons of Hawlmark, 1916... Ivory, zoned chrome. Exquisite form. Splendid growth. Thoroughly satisfactory in every way. Recommended.
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 307.  
Goodacre, Clarice (HT) Dr. Huey 1916 (A. Dickson); ivory-white, center with salmon-yellow and chrome-yellow-zones, medium size, well double, fine form, lasting, solitary or up to 4, fragrance 6/10, continuous bloom with interruptions, long strong stems, growth 7/10, upright, bushy. Sangerhausen
Magazine  (Dec 1933)  Page(s) 101.  
Variétés de jardins. Rosiers hybrides de Thé ... Clarice Goodacre (Alex. DICKSON & SONS, 1916) : fleur zonée, aux trois quarts chrome de biscuit sur de solides pétales blanc ivoire, grande, pleine, très parfumée ; bouton allongé porté sur pédoncule érigé
Article (misc)  (4 Mar 1929)  Page(s) 44.  
Clarice Goodacre in bud and half-open, is most exquisite in form and creamy color.
Website/Catalog  (1929)  Page(s) 14.  
Everblooming Roses
The so-called Everblooming Roses include the Hybrid Tea and Pernetiana groups. They do not bloom all the time, but if kept healthy and growing steadily, one crop of flowers succeeds another at brief intervals.
Clarice Goodacre. Hybrid Tea. (A. Dickson & Sons, 1916.) Yellow buds and fine, high-pointed flowers of creamy white, zoned with pale buff. Strong, robust growth with leathery foliage and fair blooming qualities.
A Rose of exquisitely perfect form, with stiff petals, unique color, and rigid stems. The plants grow easily. Orange-blossom perfume. This is another of those very beautiful Roses which justify any care and trouble.
Website/Catalog  (1926)  Page(s) 94.  
Clarice Goodacre (1912) (Hybride de thé). Fl. gr., pl., aux trois quarts entourée de chrome-biscuit sur fond blanc-ivoire. Rose magnifique et de longue durée.
Website/Catalog  (1925)  Page(s) 52.  
General List. (131) Clarice Goodacre (HT. A. Dickson 1916) 3. ....A fine exhibition and a fair garden variety. Lasts well in water when cut. Everywhere.
Website/Catalog  (1925)  Page(s) 6.  
Clarice Goodacre, chrome-yellow, on ivory-white base, large, upright
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