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'Marjory Palmer' rose References
Book  (2017)  Page(s) 99.  Includes photo(s).
Laurie Newman, Victoria.  My Top Australian Bred Roses.
Marjory Palmer .....
Book  (5 Apr 2010)  
'Marjory Palmer'. Pol, mp, 1936, Clark, A.; flowers rich pink, full, borne in clusters, intense fragrance; bushy, compact growth. [Jersey Beauty × unknown]. Introductions: NRS Victoria
Book  (2010)  Includes photo(s).
p152. Photo. [Caption for photo:] ‘Marjorie Palmer’.

p153. Marjory Palmer was born Marjory Staughton in 1881 in Melbourne......
Book  (2000)  Page(s) 72.  Includes photo(s).
Photo. ’Marjorie Palmer' (Clark). Transparency: Lilia Weatherly.
Website/Catalog  (2000)  Page(s) 8.  
‘Marjory Palmer’. Floribunda., 1936. Clark/Aust. Semi groundcover, Very double, fragrant, recurrent, 0.9m x 1.2m medium pink.
Book  (1999)  Page(s) 13.  Includes photo(s).
‘Marjory Palmer’ – 1936. ‘Jersey Beauty’ cross. Cluster Flowered Bush rose. Double, fragrant, rich pink flowers, opening flat, fully recurrent. Light to mid green foliage. Spreading growth. Flower 28 petals. 75mm, 4 to 10. Bush 0.8m x 1.0m
Book  (1999)  Page(s) 396.  Includes photo(s).
‘Marjory Palmer’ Modern, Polyantha. Medium Pink. Repeat-flowering. This is one of the best low-growing roses bred by Australia’s most famous hybridist. The plant is very spreading and has large attractive, glossy green foliage and heads of rich pink, double flowers that open flat and quartered. The disease resistance is excellent and repeat-blooming usually quick. There is an exceptional fragrance. It makes an excellent border rose and can be used as a low hedge, flowering over a very long period. A pale pink sport of this rose called ‘Alister Clark’ has recently been introduced. Zones 4-11. Clark, Australia, 1936. ‘Jersey beauty’ x seedling.
Website/Catalog  (1998)  Page(s) 10.  
‘Marjory Palmer’ Hyb. Polyantha. 1936. A. Clark / Aust. Semi groundcover, double, fragrant, recurrent. 1.0m x 1.4m. medium pink.
Website/Catalog  (1997)  Page(s) 6.  Includes photo(s).
‘Marjory Palmer’ 1936 Floribunda. (‘Jersey Beauty’ x ). Rose pink fragrant blooms, double with prominent stamens on a small free-flowering bush. An outstanding variety.
Magazine  (1997)  Page(s) 28. Vol 19, No. 1.  
Elizabeth and Andrew Govanstone. People who Alister knew through horticultural circles included Marjorie Palmer (1936) owner of the Guilfoyle designed garden ‘Dalvui’ near Terang.
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