'Franklin Englemann' rose References
Book (Sep 1993) Page(s) 181. Includes photo(s). Franklin Englemann Cluster-flowered. Patrick Dickson (Ireland) 1970. Description... named, apparently, for a German rose-grower... blood-red flowers... the CORRECT spelling is "Englemann". Parentage: 'Heidelberg' x ('Schlössers Brilliant' [aka 'Detroiter'] x unnamed seedling)
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 191. Franklin Engelmann Floribunda, bright scarlet, 1970, 'Heidelberg' x ('Detroiter' x Seedling); Dickson, A. Description.
Article (misc) (1980) Page(s) 21. Franklin Engelmann Parentage: 'Heidelberg' x 'Brilliant +'... a brilliant scarlet...
Book (1973) p61. Roy and Heather Rumsey, NSW. New Roses. Franklin Engelmann Dickson). Dark red floribunda of hybrid tea type flowers, very free flowering and very good foliage. So far all flowers have come solitary, but obviously it must cluster to be classed as a Floribunda.
p146. Dr. A. S. Thomas Victoria. The New Ones. Franklin Engelmann Florib. (Dickson, 1970). Often there are well over five large flowers to a stem. The colour is a particularly vivid scarlet-crimson. The plants are vigorous. This should become a great favourite very quickly.
Book (1970) Page(s) 131. New Roses of the World. Franklin Engelmann F (IIIC) Alex Dickson & Sons; int same '70) 'Heidelberg' x ('Brilliant' x seedling). Pointed, double, bright scarlet blooms borne in trusses. Very free blooming. Large, ovate foliage. Free, hardy growth.