'Cocorico ®' rose References
Website/Catalog (29 Mar 2016) Includes photo(s). Name: Cocorico® Synonyms: 'Birthday Girl', 'Meilasso', 'The Karnival' ARS Approved Exhibition Name: Cocorico® Photo: Cliff Orent F, pb, Meilland; flowers ivory with rose-carmine edges, semi-dbl., cupped, borne in clusters; recurrent; foliage dark green, glossy, thick; medium growth. Introductions: 1989
Book (2009) Page(s) 148. Bryan Seward, Mt. Waverley, Victoria The Karnival (MEIlasso. Fl.) They dont come much tougher than this rose. Ideally suited to that part of the garden requiring a quick fix, it makes an excellent feature specimen (covers 2 [?m]) or a hedging screen up to 1.5m or more. Clusters of ivory blooms edged carmine are produced continuously and apart from deadheading and shaping, very little maintenance is required. Exposure to harsh drying winds is not a problem.
Book (2003) Page(s) Table 9. Awards at International Rose Trials of Baden-Baden.... 1989 Gold Medals, 'Cocorico' ®, Floribunda, Meilland
Book (2000) Page(s) 170. ‘Cocorico 1989’ /MEIlasso/ ‘Birthday Girl’ = Floribunda. Forte d’une collection de médailles d’or remportées en une année, cette variété devrait être beaucoup plus répandue… parfum léger… fleur semi-double, à 15 pétales joliment ondulés, dans des tons corail doux sur une base crème, et saumon éclairé de crème sur le revers des pétales. Compact et buissonnant, de hauteur moyenne… feuillage vert vif et luisant, bien résistant aux maladies. Florifère et prompt à refleurir, c’est un rosier de premier choix, en massif comme sur tige. Meilland France 1989. Monza Gold Medal 1989 + Rome Gold Medal 1989 + Médaille d’Or à Saverne 1989 + Baden-Baden Gold Medal 1990 + Glasgow Certificate of Merit 1996.
Website/Catalog (1997) Page(s) 17. Includes photo(s). The Karnival (Meilasso). Medium height (up to 1.5m), Semi-single (up to about 12 petals) Bedding, Fragrant. Distinctive semi-single blooms of old ivory, edged with a glowing carmine. Clusters of gently rippled blooms provide a continuous show of colourful flowers particularly through the warmer months. Thick, deep green glossy foliage. Excellent hedging variety or feature shrub. New for 1997.
Book (1996) Page(s) 18. Birthday Girl (MEIlasso, 'Cocorico') Cluster-flowered (Floribunda) bush, carmine pink with yellow, light scent. Meilland (France) 1989.
Book (1995) COCORICO (BIRTHDAY GIRL) F (Meilland int '89 NR) (Chacok x Coppelia 76). YB, light yellow/bordered carmine pink, 10-13 petals. Rome GM '89, Monza GM '89, Bagatelle GM '89, Saverne GM '89, Baden-Baden GM '90.
Book (20 Sep 1992) COCORICO, F (Meilland int '89) (Chaook x Coppelia 76). (yb), light yellow/bordered carmine pink, 10-13 petals.
Book (1990) Page(s) 21. E. F. Allen. Awards to Rose Seedlings in great Britain in 1989. MEIlasso is another Cluster Flower by Meilland, with very pretty flowers of 'Handel' colour. it won its award in 1988 and I marked it very highly indeed at the time of the recent Rose Festival. I recommend it for trial in Australia.
Website/Catalog Page(s) 72. (From the house of Meilland of France): The large, eye-catching, semi-double blooms are a beautiful blend of creamy-white and cherry-red. The blooms have a ruffled appearance. 'Birthday Girl' has been greatly admired and requested by visitors to our test garden. The bush grows in an attractive mounded shape, wider than it is tall and the wonderful flowers are set off by a background of rich, deep-green, leathery foliage. 'Birthday Girl' has earned more Gold Medals than ny rose that I know of. Gold Medal at Bagatelle, Gold Medal at Monza, Gold Medal at Rome, Gold Medal at Saverne, Gold Medal at Baden-Baden. Outstanding.