"Legacy of Dr. M. D. Hinman" rose Gardens
— B —
Rose (member) Garden. 169 plants listed. 8 photos. USDA zone 10a.
32 favorite votes. Listed as '"Ma Lovelock's"'.
— C —
Rose (member) Garden. 42 plants listed.
3 favorite votes. Listed as 'Cloth of Gold'.
Rose (member) Garden. 52 plants listed. USDA zone 10a.
4 favorite votes. Listed as 'Chromatella'.
Rose, peony and clematis (limited public access) Garden. 3957 plants listed. 2715 photos. USDA zone 9b.
52 favorite votes. Average rating:
EXCELLENT. Listed as 'Chromatella'.
Rose (public) Garden. 541 plants listed.
6 favorite votes. Listed as 'Chromatella'.
Rose and clematis (member) Garden. 152 plants listed. 37 photos. USDA zone 9a.
16 favorite votes. Listed as 'Cloth of Gold'.
Rose (member) Garden. 220 plants listed. USDA zone 8a.
8 favorite votes. Listed as 'Chromatella'.
— D —
Rose (member) Garden. 168 plants listed. 191 photos.
19 favorite votes. Average rating:
EXCELLENT. Listed as 'Chromatella'.
— E —
Rose (member). 198 plants listed. 2 photos. Listed as 'Cloth of Gold'.
— G —
Rose (public) Garden. 5619 plants listed. 19 photos. USDA zone 9a.
24 favorite votes. Average rating:
GOOD+. Listed as 'Chromatella'.
Rose (member) Garden. 13 plants listed. 8 photos. Listed as 'Chromatella'.
— H —
Rose (public) Garden. 62 plants listed. 8 photos.
2 favorite votes. Listed as 'Chromatella'.
Rose and peony (member) Garden. 133 plants listed. 2 photos. Listed as 'Chromatella'.
Rose (historical reference) Garden. 1077 plants listed. 8 photos.
1 favorite vote. Listed as 'Chromatella'.
— K —
Rose (member) Garden. 236 plants listed.
5 favorite votes. Listed as 'Chromatella'.
— L —
Rose and peony (private) Garden. 645 plants listed. 5 photos.
9 favorite votes. Average rating:
EXCELLENT. Listed as 'Chromatella'.
Rose (closed, reference only) Nursery. 599 plants listed. 4 photos.
4 favorite votes. Average rating:
GOOD-. Sold as 'Chromatella'.
Rose (member) Garden and Nursery. 359 plants listed. 167 photos. USDA zone 8b.
23 favorite votes. Listed as 'Chromatella'.
— M —
Rose (public) Garden. 32 plants listed. 2 photos. Listed as 'Chromatella'.
Rose (public) Garden. 119 plants listed. 20 photos. USDA zone 10b.
13 favorite votes. Listed as 'Cloth of Gold'.
C - Comments E - Events | I - Introductions J - Journal | L - Plant List M - Promotions | N - Newsletter P - Photos | R - Ratings/Votes T - Notes | V - Favorite |