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Hannemann Nurseries
Discussion id : 125-324
most recent 28 JAN 21 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 28 JAN 21 by Give me caffeine
Does anyone know how this nursery's business model is supposed to work? All they have is a Facebook page which, even when you can access it without being blocked by Facebook for not being logged in*, still doesn't appear to have any method of ordering.

They appear to be the only Australian source of Millington roses, some of which are particularly appealing, but they seem to be making it very difficult to get hold of any.

*Some people do not have, and do not want, a Facebook account.
Reply #1 of 3 posted 28 JAN 21 by Patricia Routley
I am one of those people.
I have added their telephone number to Hannemann’s page.
Afterthought - I can’t help thinking that Warren might suggest to them that they list their roses in HelpMeFind.
Reply #2 of 3 posted 28 JAN 21 by Plazbo
I'd try their number first like Patricia suggests but I know last year they were taking orders via Silkies Rose Farm ( you just had to contact Diana (call/email) since the roses weren't listed on her website. Their nurseries are around 8 mins drive apart.

Just checked over Hannemann Nurseries Facebook posts for something, a post on May 23, 2020 said

"THis is the 2020 Collection of Warren Millington Roses, Available for mail order through Silkie Gardens Rose Farm, Victoria. Available in NSW from Mother Earth Nursery, In Queensland from, Murgon Garden Centre, and Melbourne, Growmaster Heatherton."

Obviously that may change this season. I'd expect more specific details (and varieties) to be announced closer to april 1 (which I'm lead to believe is loosely the start of the has been shifting things earlier and earlier)
Reply #3 of 3 posted 28 JAN 21 by Give me caffeine
That looks useful. Thanks. :)
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