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James Cocker & Sons

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Rose (retail and mail order) Nursery   Owned by Alec J. Cocker.  

Listing last updated on Wed Aug 2024
Catalog: Printed and Online.
Dept. TR

Lang Stracht, Aberdeen AB15 6XH
01224-313261  [Information]
01224-312531  [Fax]
James Cocker & Sons is operated by Alec Cocker and his mother, Mrs. Anne G. Cocker, SHM, DHM. At this time, due to export regulations, they cannot supply roses to the USA. For more information about their rose-breeding program, see BREEDERS: COCKER.
Plant list updated 11 Jan. 2007

[From The Makers of Heavenly Roses, by Jack Harkness, p. 150: In 1882 James Cocker's three sons, William, James, and Alexander] joined the business and the firm became James Cocker & Sons.
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