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Mark of Excellence Roses
Discussion id : 54-307
most recent 19 MAY 11 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 19 MAY 11 by anonymous-602156
I notice that you list Mark of Excellence Roses as a supplier. Please be alerted that this outfit may be guilty of fraud. Gardenwatchdog has only four customers who have commented on M of ER and all four had their checks cashed and received no roses.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 19 MAY 11 by HMF Admin
Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
Discussion id : 48-435
most recent 26 SEP 10 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 26 SEP 10 by Aimee W
I ordered 4 roses July 19 my card was charged July 21. I called the nursery August 19 and was told the order would ship August 23. It never arrived. I called 2 weeks later and couldn't get a straight answer. After 2 emails and 2 phone messages I gave up and called the bank to dispute the charge. I could have been a loyal customer, but this is no way to run a business. My advice is too also avoid this company at all costs
Discussion id : 47-647
most recent 25 AUG 10 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 25 AUG 10 by Dianne's Southwest Idaho Rose Garden
Ordered 3 roses. It's been over a month, and I haven't received them. They didn't respond to an email inquiry over a week ago, so I've requested a refund on my credit card and have informed them I will file a dispute if the credit is not received in 3 business days. I agree that this company should be avoided.

Update: I didn't ever hear back from this company, and when I filed a dispute concerning the charges on my credit card, I was issued a refund by my credit card after they investigated my complaint.
Discussion id : 44-138
most recent 24 APR 10 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 24 APR 10 by dwc47
This nursery took my money and did not send my order. They also do not respond to phone calls or emails. Avoid them at all costs.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 24 APR 10 by HMF Admin
Please provide the order details to the HMF support dept.
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