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Rosenschule Martin Weingart
Discussion id : 95-607
most recent 31 OCT 16 SHOW ALL
Initial post 28 OCT 16 by flodur
The site of the nursery Rosenschule Martin Weingart has changed to
Please correct!
Reply #1 of 1 posted 31 OCT 16 by Patricia Routley
Thank you.
Discussion id : 69-135
most recent 3 MAY 13 SHOW ALL
Initial post 31 DEC 12 by Jay-Jay
This nursery doesn't react on an order placed via their website, nor do they reply on repeatedly sent emails.
Reply #1 of 7 posted 31 DEC 12 by jedmar
This is correct, Martin almost never reads his emails. You need to call him (sometimes it is his mother on the phone).
Reply #2 of 7 posted 31 DEC 12 by Jay-Jay
Jedmar, when I try to contact him, the nursery, that pops up is Christiane Frost Burgwedel.
I send the order to that website and via email and to the emailaddress of Mr Weingart.
Is there something intertwined or wrong connected?
I'll try to phone him. Ich werde Ihm anrufen.
Happy new year to You and the whole HMF-community.
Reply #3 of 7 posted 1 JAN 13 by jedmar
No, there is nothing wrong with your search. Weingart does not have his own website, he is not fond of computers. Christiane Frost has reserved part of her site to show the roses Weingart offers. Phoning him is the only way.
Reply #4 of 7 posted 1 JAN 13 by Jay-Jay
Thank You, I will, next thing tomorrow.
Reply #5 of 7 posted 2 JAN 13 by Jay-Jay
Hatte ein sehr nettes Gespräch mit Herr Weingart heutemorgen und habe die erwünschten Rosen teilweise bestellen können und guten Rat bekommen.
Nochmals danke Jedmar.
Reply #6 of 7 posted 2 JAN 13 by jedmar
Das freut mich, dass es nun geklappt hat!
Reply #7 of 7 posted 3 MAY 13 by Jay-Jay
Aber die Bestellung ist trotz mehrere sehr nette telefonische Kontakte und Versprechen nicht geliefert worden....
4 Tage später: Da wird die Bestellung doch noch verspätet geliefert, mit Entschuldigungen.
7Tage später: Die Bestellung ist da. Super tolles Pflanzgut, sehr kräftig gebildet.
Mal sehen ob ich die Rosen austreiben und überleben lassen kann.
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