Book (2007) Page(s) 396. 'Pinkie', Pol, mp, 1947, Swim, H. C., [sport of China Doll] description
Book (Nov 1993) Page(s) 54. Polyantha... flowers: pink, semi-double with a rich glowing tone... produces large sprays of flowers all summer long on a very small compact plant.
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 457. Pinkie Polyantha, medium pink, 1947, 'China Doll' x Seedling; Swim. Description.
Book (Jun 1992) Page(s) 250. Pinkie Polyantha. Swim, 1947. Sport of 'China Doll'. Description.
Book (1988) Page(s) 23. It seemed logical to grow a population of seed acquired by open-pollinating CHINA DOLL in order to test the inheritance of the Miniature trait. This was done in 1940 and about two hundred seedlings were grown from that exercise. It was expected that at least a few would show Miniature characteristics. None did. However, one seedling from that lot did attract my attention. It was pink Polyantha somewhat more vigorous than CHINA DOLL, with a softer pink color and extraordinary floriferousness. This variety was put in AARS competition, along with NOCTURNE (#40031-01), but in the Floribunda Class. We named it PINKIE.
Book (1958) Page(s) 300. Pinkie. F. (Swim; int. Armstrong Nurs., '47.) China Doll open pollinated. Medium size (1¾-2½ in.), semi-dbl. (14-16 petals), cupped, slightly fragrant, Neyron rose; large truss. Fol. soft, glossy. Dwarf, bushy; profuse bloom. (21) Pl. pat. 712. AARS, '48.
Article (misc) (1954) Page(s) 45. Pinkie 21 chromosomes.
Book (1953) Page(s) 44. C.C. Hillary, Perth, W.A. — if you want something in your garden which will make every visitor take notice, plant a long border of Pinkie. This gem of a thing rarely grows more than 18 in. high and perhaps a little more across but it completely hides every twig, stem and leaf with hundreds of the loveliest pale pink blossoms. I know of no other border plant that is half so beautiful.
Article (magazine) (Dec 1952) Page(s) 19. [In 1938, Dr. Lammerts crossed 'Mrs. Dudley Fulton', a Polyantha, aka the Evergreen Shrub Rose, with the Miniature 'Tom Thumb'.] His idea was to produce miniatures in a wider range of colors than was then available. ['China Doll' was one of the results from this cross, but it wasn't quite what he was looking for.] It seemed logical to assume that a second filial generation from China Doll should give us the re-combination of these miniature rose characteristics with some degree of variation in flower color. [But, again, they failed to meet the objective. However, an interesting dwarf polyantha named 'Pinkie' was the result.]
Book (1951) Page(s) 65. Frank Mason. Poulsen Roses. Enid and Pinkie are two nicely formed roses that will do for the front line of beds or for the rockery. The flowers of both are well formed and have been much admired.