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"Pink Pet rose References
Website/Catalog  (22 Oct 2023)  Includes photo(s).
3 to 4 feet    Z5-11 R pbThis everblooming rose, "Caldwell Pink", is one of the most popular roses with landscape designers in our area. Its double, lilac-pink flowers form clusters that can be seen at a distance, and the compact bush fills out nicely with a minimum of pruning and maintenance. It is not very particular about soil conditions but prefers a sunny open space. Some rosarians have suggested that this is the old China rose, ‘Pink Pet’, but we feel that it shows traces of wichuraiana or multiflora heritage and fits more naturally in the Polyantha class. The study name comes from a neighboring town, Caldwell, Texas, where this rose was found.  EarthKind® rose
Newsletter  (May 2015)  Page(s) 11. Vol 36, No. 3.  Includes photo(s).
Peter Holmes, President Bermuda Rose Society.
"Bermuda's Pink Pet" looks and grows like a Polyantha, certainly not like a China. Small, shiny dark green, finely serrated foliage, suggests Wichurana ancestry. "Bermuda's Pink Pet" blooms appear to be similar to "Caldwell Pink", an American Found rose. This rose may not be either a Polyantha or a China. Further studies are to be undertaken.
Article (magazine)  (2010)  Page(s) 1781.  
Caldwell Pink, Earth-Kind-designated rose for the south-central United States, Earth-Kind Brigade, Polyantha, Unknown, Unknown, Ploidy 2x ....
Booklet  (2009)  Page(s) 28.  
Diploid....Pink Pet, heterozygous loci 61% [Provenance: Texas A&M University material from Ralph Moore]
Booklet  (2009)  Page(s) 54.  
The haplotype of 'Pink Pet'... gives fewer [than 'Papa Hemeray'] clues to its maternal relationship. The basic haplotype of this rose is that of the main group of China Roses, however, this was the accession that had a sequence with several indels not included in any of the other roses sampled. In addition, the SSR repeat number sets it apart from the main group. This cultivar has also been classified as a Polyantha in the past (Dickerson, 1992), and it is grouped near to some of the polyantha cultivars in this study, so it is possible that it is of Polyantha breeding.
Book  (2000)  Page(s) 139.  
Caldwell Pink = Polyantha… grands bouquets… petites fleurs doubles, rose lilacé, composées de dizaines de pétales étroits bien rangés en couches superposées, avec un petit nœud de demi-pétales incurvés au centre… rosier gracieux et feuillu, au port étalé, à utiliser en bordure, ou près d’une terrasse, ou pour former une haie basse, voire en sujet isolé… fin feuillage étroit.
Article (misc)  (1929)  Page(s) 222.  
Pink Pet Dwarf Polyantha (George Lilley, 1928)... bright pink...
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