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Rose and peony (public) Garden
Listing last updated on Wed Aug 2024
Woking, Surrey United Kingdom
+44 (0)845 260 9000 [Information]
Mr. Jim Gardiner is the curator of Wisley Gardens. Wisley is situated 30 km south of London and comprises 240 hectares. It is open year-round except Christmas Day. There is a library, garden centre and book shop, cafeteria and restaurant. Approximately 660,000 visitors come to Wisley each year. There are two rose gardens. One displays new introductions with roses donated by different nurseries. The other is the rose border in which there are 8 blocks of roses. These 8 blocks are colour graded, from white to red. Each block has 7 varieties, Hybrid Teas and floribunda, each in a planting of 50, all in all 2800 roses! There are 88 varieties in total. On the outside, there is a rose catenary, with swags and pillars 12 feet in length, and Hybrid Teas, Climbers and Ramblers in betwee. There is also a walled garden with many old and modern climbers. Roses that do well at Wisley (where the soil quality is poor, made up as it is of light acid sand) are the Pemberton (I.e., 'Penelope', 1925, et al) and Bentall (I.e., 'Buff Beauty', 1939, et al) roses. Future plans include the construction of a large rose border to display a wider range of roses and mixed plantings.