'Luis Desamero' rose Reviews & Comments
This is an incredibly vigorous plant which can easily reach 4 feet tall. It makes flawless, pale yellow blooms with perfect show form. That is why it has been winning trophies for almost 20 years.
How do Yantai and Luis Desamero differ, not sure which one I have. Think it is Yantai. It is very vigorous, full perfect blooms, miniflora like and almost more cream than pale yellow.
With a bloom size of 3" and bush height reaching 3', wouldn't this be better classified as a Mini-Flora?
Thank you. The bloom size is large for a miniature rose, but we did have incorrect bloom size on the rose page. According to the US Patent, the bloom size is 30mm to 40mm, which converts to about 1.5 inches.
Smiles, Lyn