'SEAwalk' rose Reviews & Comments
Available from - Rogue Valley Roses www.roguevalleyroses.com
I used to grow this wonderful mini but lost it while moving. Are there any North American mail order retail sources for this rose? It's so sad we have lost suppliers for all these wonderful minis from McCann, Moore, Mander, Bennett, Saville, Benardella, et. al. :-(
#1 of 1 posted
4 MAY 13 by
I just received a newsletter from Rogue Valley Roses which mentions this rose among its new additions. It doesn't yet appear on their website, but you may be able to order it if you call them. Over the winter, another such email mentioned 'Quatre Saisons Blanc Mousseaux' as a new addition and I was able to order it over the phone before it showed up on their website. Good luck.