'Lady Alice Nevill' clematis References
Book (1898) Page(s) 62. Variétés Horticoles 1er Groupe.—PATENS Section II. — Lanuginosa. Lady Alice Nevill (Cripps). Large fleur d'un superbe coloris bleu-porcelaine.
Magazine (18 Dec 1875) Page(s) 776. NEW PLANTS CERTIFICATED By the Floral Committee at the Royal Horticultural Society's Meetings, 1875. Clematis Lady Alice Nevill... Cripps, June 2—Second-class Certificate.
Magazine (5 Jun 1875) Page(s) 475. Royal Horticultural Society. June 22. [date was probably May 22, given the publication date] Great Summer Show. Clematis Lady Alice Nevill (Cripps).—A distinct and effective variety, robust in habit, the foliage being of a bright glossy green. It has eight-sepalled flowers, which are about 6 inches in diameter, of good form, and freely produced, the colour being of a delicate lilac or mauve-purple.