'Ristimägi' clematis Description
Photo courtesy of Calif Sue
Lavender - blue, red shading, cream stamens. 6 to 7 petals. Single, star-shaped bloom form. Midsummer to early autumn.
Height: 4'11" to 6'7" (150 to 200cm).
United States - Patent No: PP 22,922 on 7 Aug 2012 VIEW USPTO PATENTApplication No: 12/927,328 on 12 Nov 2010 Latin name of the genus and species: Clematis jackmanii.
Inventors: Kivistik; Aili (Kose Parish, EE)
In 1982 the inventor, Aili Kivistik a citizen of Estonia, organized a group of unnamed, unpatented Clematis jackmanii varieties for an open pollination breeding project. Seeds originating from this open pollination were planted out, and the new variety was selected in 1986.
Parentage in recent patent deviates from earlier statements. The breeding program was led by Uno Kivistik unti his death in 1998. Ristimagi