'forsteri' clematis References
Book (2006) Page(s) 9. Includes photo(s). Clematis forsteri Gmelin. Common name: Small white clematis Distinguishing features: Clematis forsteri has 3-foliate leathery leaves which vary in shape. The slender petiole is usually from 2–5 cm long. The flowers have sepals that are hairy on both surfaces, especially on the underside. They are similar to C. foetida, but do not have such a strong smell. The C. forsteri flowers are described as having a spicy cinnamon or clove scent. The central bundle of long stamens is tipped with pink anthers on the male flowers. On the female flowers, feathery styles reach 2–3.5 cm long at fruiting. Fewer flowers than C. foetida, and smaller flowers than C. paniculata, it is known to interbreed with both species. C. forsteri is a moderately fast growing, evergreen climber that can attain heights of up to 10 m. Habitat requirements: Lowland forest and scrub, especially forest edges. Flowers: September–November Fruit: November–January Regional status: Not threatened
Book (Oct 2001) Page(s) 191-192. Includes photo(s).
Book (11 Oct 2000) Page(s) 11. C. forsteri [one of the] strongest scented clematis species [the author has] grown