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'Clematis viticella ssp. campaniflora' clematis References
Website/Catalog  (27 Jul 2011)  Includes photo(s).
Clematis campaniflora Brot.
Frost hardy, vigorous, deciduous climber with pinnate leaves, the leaflets in groups of three, bearing small, fragrant, lilac flowers in great profusion in terminal cymes in mid to late summer.  To 6m.  [RHSD, Hortus, Hilliers’.]

Horticultural & Botanical History
‘A native of Portugal, first described by Brotero, who found it in hedges, by the road from Oporto to Coimbra.
It is a climbing plant, growing to the height of eight feet or more, with many branches, towards the extremities of which the flowers are produced; with us they come out in the latter part of the summer; they are very delicate, of a clear purplish white.’  [LBC no.987/1825]. 
Introduced to England in 1810.  [JD].  Originally described by Prof. Brotero in 1804 in the Flore du Portugal.  [IH p.78 Vol.2/1855].  The flower in Loddiges Botanical Cabinet appears almost pure white compared with the pale lilac of the Illustration Horticole figure used here.

History at Camden Park
Listed in all published catalogues [T.320/1843].  A plant was presented to the Sydney Botanic Garden by William Macarthur on September 15th 1847 [RBGS AB].
Website/Catalog  (29 Jul 2010)  
Clematis viticella campaniflora [Macarthur]
Clematis viticella L. x Clematis campaniflora Brot., a hybrid probably raised at Camden.  I have found no specific description of this hybrid.

Horticultural & Botanical History
Many of the garden cultivars of Clematis viticella are actually hybrids, particularly valued for their colourfull flowers and ability to scramble over shrubs or small trees, or even ground cover plants.  [RHSD].  Clematis hybrids, unspecified, are shown growing as ground covers in a bedding arrangement in a figure in Flore des Serres.  [FS p.22/1874]. 

History at Camden Park
Listed in the 1845, 1850 and 1857 catalogues [T.329/1845].  A plant was presented to the Sydney Botanic Garden by William Macarthur on September 15th 1847 [RBGS AB].
Book  (Oct 2001)  Page(s) 142.  Includes photo(s).
Clematis campaniflora
Viticella Group
Origin: Portugal and Spain
Introduced into England in 1810
... single flowers... nodding, bell shaped, white tinged with violet... four tepals... stamens are greenish cream...
Book  (1912)  Page(s) 83.  
Clematis L. N. Pff. iii. 2. 62. — Ranunculaceæ-Clematideæ.
campaniflora Brot. — DC. i. 9; Lodd. B. C. t. 927; Kuntze, Mon. 137. — Potugal, Spain. — ♄ §.  April.
Book  (1906)  Page(s) 55.  
Clematis Campaniflora.  (Bell-fllowered Clematis). Portugal.  1810.  12 to 18 feet.  Flowers small, bell-shaped, purplish white, fragrant.  June and July.  Syns. C. campanulata; C. crispa (Hort); C. parviflora; C. revulata; C. viornioides.
A slender climber, with bi-ternately, pinnate leaves.
Magazine  (30 Jul 1892)  Page(s) 73.  
C. campanuliflora Brot., d'Espagne; tige de 1 à 2 m., fleurs pourpres.
Magazine  (1877)  Page(s) 266, 267.  
p. 266: Clematis revoluta (Comice horticolle)

p. 267: Clematis campaniflora (Dc.) ou viornoides (Hort.); rose.
Clematis crispa revoluta (Lin.); pourpre.
Magazine  (Jul 1868)  Page(s) 209.  
Ce Clematis campàniflora, de Brotero, est une très-coquette espèce d'Espagne, par ses jolies petites fleurs en clochettes; il y en a de plusieurs couleurs, depuis le bleu jusqu'au rouge*, celle de Segrez est d'une belle couleur blanche lilacée. C'est cette espèce que Desfontaines a appelée C. revoluta ; a; on doit lui rapporter également le Clematis parviflora de Decandolle.
Magazine  (May 1865)  Page(s) 145.  
C. CIRRHOSA, L. ... Variétés : campaniflora (C. revoluta, H. P. ; C.parviflora, DC). • Portugal. Segments des feuilles trilobés. Fleurs très-petites, nombreuses.
Book  (1863)  Page(s) 1017.  
On cultive encore les Clematis triternata, revoluta, cylindrica et Japonica.
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