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Melbourne October 2012. I have included this one with the cat so you can get an idea of the size of these magnificent blooms.
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 18 OCT 12 |
October 2011 Melbourne Australia.
Uploaded 26 OCT 11 |
Melbourne October 2012 - We have had a lot of rain this winter and I have been very generous with feed and the blooms do appear to be slightly deeper than last season.
Uploaded 18 OCT 12 |
October 2011 Melbourne Australia
Uploaded 26 OCT 11 |
Melbourne October 2012. This is the most generous and robust of all my clematis. A stunning performer with huge blooms that last really well even in bad weather.
Uploaded 18 OCT 12 |
A magnificent flower - October 2011. Melbourne Australia
Uploaded 26 OCT 11 |
Photo taken October 2011 Melbourne Australia. This is my best performing clematis, flowering well into winter with later flowers being a richer colour though much smaller in size.
Uploaded 26 OCT 11 |
This plant is one year old and these are the first blooms this season - October 2011. Melbourne Australia.
Uploaded 26 OCT 11 |