'Dorothy Walton' clematis References
Book (Oct 2001) Page(s) 166-167. Includes photo(s).
Magazine (1966) Page(s) No. 164, p. 275. Clematis (hybrids)... From France. Plants presented by Andra Girault, Horticulteur-Pepinieriste, Orleans (Loiret). Received Nov. 18, 1959. ...261345. Bagatelle...
Website/Catalog (1966) Page(s) 48. « Bagatelle ». Fleur moyenne mauve clair. Pétales étroits détachés en étoiles. Vigueur bonne.
Website/Catalog (1931) Page(s) 31. Clematis ... Large blooms, less vigorous climbers, approx. 8 to 15 cm bloom diameter.....Clematis Bagatelle, marbled silvery blue and pink, like fritillaria, medium-sized blooms ...2,50 Marks [10] 22,50 [100] 200,--
Website/Catalog (1924) Page(s) 106. Bagatelle (Patens). Bleu argenté clair.
Website/Catalog (1916) Page(s) 23. Especially resistant Clematis Bagatelle. New! Large floriferous, clear Ageratum-colour [Floss flower] with violet central stripe 1 piece M 2.-, 10 pieces M 18.-