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'Liberation' clematis Description
'Evifive' clematis photo
Photo courtesy of jedmar
Commercially available
HMF Ratings:
9 favorite votes.  
Bred by Mogens Nyegaard Olesen (Denmark, 1988). Bred by Raymond J. Evison (United Kingdom, 1988).
Introduced in United Kingdom by Guernsey Clematis Nursery in 1995 as 'Evifive'.
Early Large Flowered, Group 2.  
Red.  6 to 8 petals.  Average diameter 8".  Single bloom form.  Late spring to early summer, late summer.  

Height: 8' to 10' (245 to 305cm).  
USDA zone 4b through 9b.  Plant in sun or partial shade.  Suitable for growing in a container.  This plant blooms twice.  It blooms on the previous year's growth, so resist the urge to prune it in early spring.  However, if you garden in a place with cold winters, Mother Nature will more than likely prune the plant for you.  It will bloom a second time on new growth.  
Canada - Patent No: 1989  on  23 Sep 2004
Application No: 97-1106  on  21 Jul 1997
Breeder: Raymond J. Evison, Raymond J. Evison, Ltd., Channel Islands, United Kingdom; Mogens N. Olesen, Poulsen Roser International S.A.R.L., Gaillac, France
'Evifive' originated from a cross in 1988 between two unnamed seedlings at the Guernsey Clematis Nursery in Guernsey, Channel Islands, United Kingdom. The resulting seeds were planted in a controlled environment. Selection of the seedling known as 'Evifive' occurred in 1989/90.
United Kingdom - Patent No: xxx
Plant Breeder's Rights
United States - Patent No: PP 10,913  on  25 May 1999   VIEW USPTO PATENT
Application No: 8/926,908  on  10 Sep 1997
If you know the parentage of this clematis, or other details, please contact us.